Data Virtualization: The Modern Data Integration Solution

Hi [First Name],

We have been living through an unprecedented explosion in the volume, variety, and velocity of incoming data. This is not new, but emerging technologies, such as the cloud and big data systems, which have brought large volumes of disparate data, have only compounded the problem.

Business stakeholders need immediate information for real-time decisions, but this is challenging when the information they need is scattered across multiple sources. Unfortunately, traditional data integration techniques have proven to be resource intensive, time consuming, and costly.

This whitepaper covers the fundamental challenge and explains why traditional solutions fall short. It also discusses how data virtualization is the right approach to data integration. Discover the many benefits you will reap with data virtualization, including:

•  A simplified, unified, and integrated view of trusted business data - in real time.
•  A significantly enhanced security management, data governance, and performance monitoring system; and
•  A cheaper to maintain than traditional integration tools – all whilst enjoying considerable time savings and ROI.
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